AET: Bringing Precision and Value to Electrical Testing & Maintenance
As a leader in the field of electrical testing, AET delivers the best value in the marketplace by offering quality service at competitive prices. Working with major electric utility providers throughout the United States, AET handles large T&D and Generation acceptance testing and commissioning projects as well as large industrial and commercial facilities. To learn more about AET’s full range of testing and engineering services, please feel free to explore our website—or contact AET today for more information.

AET provides testing and commissioning services to utilities for their protection and control projects. More>

Acceptance testing is the first step in obtaining optimum performance from an electrical power system. More>

Asplundh Electrical Testing, LLC offers an array of services related to transformer work. More>
Looking for a Great Career? Join the Leader in Electrical Testing – AET.
Asplundh Electrical Testing, LLC (AET) maintains a staff of highly trained technicians and engineers, offering commissioning, acceptance testing and maintenance of electrical power systems and equipment from low voltage through extra high voltage to electric utilities, generation plants and large industrial facilities. Nationwide positions available!